Flash Keyboard Shortcuts


Free Flash Tutorial



This tutorial lists all of the keyboard shortcuts available in Flash 8. A keyboard shortcut is a combination of keystrokes that performs a function otherwise found in a pull down menu. Use of shortcut keys makes using your program faster and is often easier than using a mouse to access the pull down menus.

Keyboard Shortcuts for: Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Flash 5 and above supports customisable keyboard shortcuts. To open the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box:

  1. Go to: Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts

    Custom Keyboard Shortcut Dialog Box.

Keyboard Shortcuts for: Tools

You can change the current tool by clicking a single letter on the keyboard.

Note: If you are in the typing tool then hitting a letter on the Keyboard will type and not change your tool!

To discover the letter associated with any particular tool just place your cursor over the tool and wait a second. You will also see the tools name:

Hover your Mouse Cursor over the tool to discover the associated letter and the name of the Tool.

Tools and their associated Letters:

Selection Tool   A
Subselection Tool
Free Transform Tool   F
Gradient Transform Tool
Line Tool   L
Lasso Tool
Pen Tool   T
Text Tool
Oval Tool   R
Rectangle Tool
Pencil Tool   B
Brush Tool
Ink Bottle Tool   K
Paint Bucket Tool
Eye Dropper Tool   E
Eraser Tool
Hand Tool   M, Z
Zoom Tool
Object Drawing Option    


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Mobile Menu Commands

    Close Ctrl W
    Zoom In Ctrl =
    Zoom Out Ctrl -
        100% Ctrl 1
        400% Ctrl 4
    Rotate 90° CW Ctrl Shift 9
    Rotate 90° CCW Ctrl Shift 7


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Drawing Menu Commands

    New... Ctrl N
    Open... Ctrl O
    Close Ctrl W
    Close All Ctrl Alt W
    Save Ctrl S
    Save As... Ctrl Shift S
        Import to Stage... Ctrl R
        Open External Library... Ctrl Shift O
        Export Movie... Ctrl Alt Shift S
    Publish Settings... Ctrl Shift F12
    Publish Preview  
        Default - (HTML) F12, Ctrl F12
    Publish Shift F12
    Print... Ctrl P
    Exit Ctrl Q
    Undo Duplicate Ctrl Z
    Repeat Duplicate Ctrl Y
    Cut Ctrl X
    Copy Ctrl C
    Paste in Center Ctrl V
    Paste in Place Ctrl Shift V
    Clear Backspace, Clear, Delete
    Duplicate Ctrl D
    Select All Ctrl A
    Deselect All Ctrl Shift A
    Find and Replace Ctrl F
    Find Next F3
        Cut Frames Ctrl Alt X
        Copy Frames Ctrl Alt C
        Paste Frames Ctrl Alt V
        Clear Frames Alt Backspace
        Remove Frames Shift F5
        Select All Frames Ctrl Alt A
    Edit Symbols Ctrl E
    Preferences... Ctrl U
    Go to  
        First Home
        Previous Page Up
        Next Page Down
        Last End
    Zoom In Ctrl =
    Zoom Out Ctrl -
        100% Ctrl 1
        400% Ctrl 4
        800% Ctrl 8
        Show Frame Ctrl 2
        Show All Ctrl 3
    Preview Mode  
        Outlines Ctrl Alt Shift O
        Fast Ctrl Alt Shift F
        Anti-Alias Ctrl Alt Shift A
        Anti-Alias Text Ctrl Alt Shift T
    Work Area Ctrl Shift W
    Rulers Ctrl Alt Shift R
        Show Grid Ctrl #
        Edit Grid... Ctrl Alt G
        Show Guides Ctrl ;
        Lock Guides Ctrl Alt ;
        Edit Guides... Ctrl Alt Shift G
        Snap Align
        Snap to Grid Ctrl Shift #
        Snap to Guides Ctrl Shift ;
        Snap to Objects Ctrl Shift /
        Edit Snapping... Ctrl /
    Hide Edges Ctrl H
    Show Shape Hints Ctrl Alt H
    New Symbol... Ctrl F8
        Frame F5
    Document... Ctrl J
    Convert to Symbol... F8
    Break Apart Ctrl B
        Optimize... Ctrl Alt Shift C
        Add Shape Hint Ctrl Shift H
        Distribute to Layers Ctrl Shift D
        Convert to Keyframes F6
        Clear Keyframe Shift F6
        Convert to Blank Keyframes F7
        Scale and Rotate... Ctrl Alt S
        Rotate 90° CW Ctrl Shift 9
        Rotate 90° CCW Ctrl Shift 7
        Remove Transform Ctrl Shift Z
        Bring to Front Ctrl Shift Up
        Bring Forward Ctrl Up
        Send Backward Ctrl Down
        Send to Back Ctrl Shift Down
        Lock Ctrl Alt L
        Unlock All Ctrl Alt Shift L
        Left Ctrl Alt 1
        Horizontal Center Ctrl Alt 2
        Right Ctrl Alt 3
        Top Ctrl Alt 4
        Vertical Center Ctrl Alt 5
        Bottom Ctrl Alt 6
        Distribute Widths Ctrl Alt 7
        Distribute Heights Ctrl Alt 9
        Make Same Width Ctrl Alt Shift 7
        Make Same Height Ctrl Alt Shift 9
        To Stage Ctrl Alt 8
    Group Ctrl G
    Ungroup Ctrl Shift G
        Plain Ctrl Shift P
        Bold Ctrl Shift B
        Italic Ctrl Shift I
        Align Left Ctrl Shift L
        Align Center Ctrl Shift C
        Align Right Ctrl Shift R
        Justify Ctrl Shift J
    Letter Spacing  
        Increase Ctrl Alt Right
        Decrease Ctrl Alt Left
        Reset Ctrl Alt Up
    Play Enter
    Rewind Ctrl Alt R
    Step Forward One Frame .
    Step Backward One Frame ,
    Test Movie Ctrl Enter
    Debug Movie Ctrl Shift Enter
    Test Scene Ctrl Alt Enter
    Test Project Ctrl Alt P
    Enable Simple Frame Actions Ctrl Alt F
    Enable Simple Buttons Ctrl Alt B
    Mute Sounds Ctrl Alt M
    Duplicate Window Ctrl Alt K
    Timeline Ctrl Alt T
    Tools Ctrl F2
        Properties Ctrl F3
    Library Ctrl L, F11
    Actions F9
    Behaviors Shift F3
    Debugger Shift F4
    Movie Explorer Alt F3
    Output F2
    Project Shift F8
    Align Ctrl K
    Color Mixer Shift F9
    Color Swatches Ctrl F9
    Info Ctrl I
    Transform Ctrl T
    Components Ctrl F7
    Component Inspector Alt F7
    Other Panels  
        Accessibility Alt F2
        History Ctrl F10
        Scene Shift F2
        Strings Ctrl F11
        Web Services Ctrl Shift F10
    Workspace Layout  
    Hide Panels F4
    Flash Help F1


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Test Movie Menu Commands?

    Close Ctrl W
    Zoom In Ctrl =
    Zoom Out Ctrl -
        100% Ctrl 1
        400% Ctrl 4
        800% Ctrl 8
        Show Frame Ctrl 2
        Show All Ctrl 3
    Bandwidth Profiler Ctrl B
    Streaming Graph Ctrl G
    Frame By Frame Graph Ctrl F
    Simulate Download Ctrl Enter
    Show Redraw Regions Ctrl E
    Play Enter
    Rewind Ctrl Alt R
    Step Forward One Frame .
    Step Backward One Frame ,
    Remove All Breakpoints Ctrl Shift A
    Continue F10
    Stop Debugging F11
    Step In F6
    Step Over F7
    Step Out F8
    List Objects Ctrl L
    List Variables Ctrl Alt V
    Debugger Shift F4
    Output F2
    Project Shift F8
    Flash Help F1


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Script Edit Commands

    New... Ctrl N
    Open... Ctrl O
    Close Ctrl W
    Close All Ctrl Alt W
    Save Ctrl S
    Save As... Ctrl Shift S
    Import Script... Ctrl Shift I
    Print... Ctrl P
    Exit Ctrl Q
    Undo Ctrl Z
    Redo Ctrl Y
    Cut Ctrl X
    Copy Ctrl C
    Paste Ctrl V
    Delete Backspace, Clear, Delete
    Select All Ctrl A
    Find and Replace... Ctrl F
    Find Again F3
    Preferences... Ctrl U
    Go to Line... Ctrl G
    Hidden Characters Ctrl Shift 8
    Line Numbers Ctrl Shift L
    Word Wrap Ctrl Shift W
    Hide Panels F4
    Auto Format Ctrl Shift F
    Check Syntax Ctrl T
    Show Code Hint Ctrl Spacebar
    Test Project Ctrl Alt P
    Timeline Ctrl Alt T
    Tools Ctrl F2
        Properties Ctrl F3
    Library Ctrl L, F11
    Common Libraries  
    Actions F9
    Behaviors Shift F3
    Debugger Shift F4
    Movie Explorer Alt F3
    Output F2
    Project Shift F8
    Align Ctrl K
    Color Mixer Shift F9
    Color Swatches Ctrl F9
    Info Ctrl I
    Components Ctrl F7
    Component Inspector Alt F7
    Other Panels  
        Accessibility Alt F2
        History Ctrl F10
        Scene Shift F2
        Strings Ctrl F11
        Web Services Ctrl Shift F10
    Hide Panels F4
    Flash Help F1


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Timeline Commands

Move Frame Left Ctrl Alt Left
Move Frame Right Ctrl Alt Right
Move Frame Up Ctrl Alt Up
Move Frame Down Ctrl Alt Down
Select Left Frame Ctrl Alt Shift Left
Select Right Frame Ctrl Alt Shift Right
Select Frame Above Ctrl Alt Shift Up
Select Frame Below Ctrl Alt Shift Down


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Workspace Accessibility Commands

Forward Panel Focus Ctrl Alt Tab
Backward Panel Focus Ctrl Alt Shift Tab
Select Stage Ctrl Alt Home
Select Next Object Tab
Select Previous Object Shift Tab


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Actions Panel Commands

Pin Script Ctrl =
Close Script Ctrl -
Close All Scripts Ctrl Shift -
Go to Line... Ctrl G
Find and Replace... Ctrl F
Find Again F3
Auto Format Ctrl Shift F
Check Syntax Ctrl T
Show Code Hint Ctrl Spacebar
Import Script... Ctrl Shift I
Export Script... Ctrl Shift X
Script Assist Ctrl Shift E
Hidden Characters Ctrl Shift 8
Line Numbers Ctrl Shift L
Word Wrap Ctrl Shift W
Preferences... Ctrl U


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Magnifier Tool

Toggle to the opposite magnifier Alt


Keyboard Shortcuts for: Dropper Tool

Select a single color for both fill and outline Shift Click